Team Members
Scott Clarke

Scott Clarke

Founding Director

Founder of Amandla Development.

Tinotenda Tadokera

Tinotenda Tadokera

Finance Manager

Tino is passionate about social justice and community development, which is evident in his experience working with Cape Town nonprofits in fundraising, finance and operations. He has experience in the private sector as well, ranging from sales to accounting and general management. Using these skills, as well as his MBA, Tino aims to make an impact through building Amandla’s organisational and financial systems – something he finds incredibly fulfilling. When he’s not busy with finance and operations, he can be found getting his hands dirty in his garden at least once a week.

Tendai Makoni

Tendai Makoni

Data Coordinator

Tendai believes that a positive change today will make for a better future for our children. With an MSc in Development Studies and 12 years of experience working in the NGO sector, ranging from HIV and AIDS to sexual reproductive health and law, Tendai uses her strong analytical skills to mentor some of Amandla’s staff and find the stories and insights in the data Amandla collects that illustrate what’s really going on in the lives of the youth Amandla serves. This passion for providing people with the services they need through data, and the the diversity and collaborative nature of Amandla’s work is what grounds Tendai in her role as Data Coordinator.

Mzwanele Tshose

Mzwanele Tshose

Community/ Advocacy Officer

For Mzwanele, known as Zwai, serving communities is his calling. In his role as Community Solutions Coordinator, Zwai loves that he is able to connect with people within and across communities. His ability to communicate with and relate to a wide range of people allows him to strive for the goals he seeks to achieve; seeing positive change in areas of gender-based violence, HIV, literacy and unemployment. These are areas Zwai has experience in given his work as a child and youth care worker.

When he’s not making his colleagues laugh, Zwai enjoys partaking in comedy with his friends.

Taona Tsopo – Programme Manager

Taona Tsopo

Programme Manager
Taona is an educationist whose zeal for development work motivated his two Master’s degrees in Sociology and Gender and Community Development. He is able to use this theory to make an impact in communities, and derives great joy to see the positive changes Amandla is able to make in the lives of Philippi youth. An analytical thinker with a love for numbers, Taona’s skills contribute to Amandla’s strategy.
Phelisa Manyisane-Somciza

Phelisa Manyisane-Somciza

Projects Manager
Phelisa has 10 years of experience in development sector with a strong focus on education. She is passionate about the empowerment and inclusion of the most vulnerable in our societies - particularly women and children - and believes that only when everyone is included in society will we be able to move forward as a nation. She has a BA Psychology and Honours in Development Studies, and enjoys travelling and learning about other cultures.
Nontembeko Mpofu

Nontembeko Mpofu

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Nontembeko started working at Amandla as a data mentor before being promoted to Advocacy Officer – something she regards as one of her biggest achievements. Her role allows her to engage with and help communities, which she revels in and derives happiness from. She’s committed to always growing and enjoys learning new things every day from those around her.

Zamalotshwa Ndwandwe

Zamalotshwa Ndwandwe

Sustainability Officer

Zamalotshwa is from Eshowe, KwaZulu Natal, she has experience in Monitoring and Evaluation and Qualitative Research. She is interested in how race intersects with gender and class to reproduce inequality. Zama’s is most inspired by her role at Amandla because it allows her to learn innovative ways of changing the world, we live in.

Nthabiseng Vala

Nthabiseng Vala

Social Work Supervisor

Nthabiseng Vala has a degree in Social Work and an Honors in Criminology. Nthabiseng is skilled in conflict resolution and enjoys caring for others. Development work inspires her the most as it allows her to support the youth in finding healthy coping mechanisms in overcoming lives challenges.

Alicia Ludidi

Alicia Ludidi

Safe Space Coordinator

Alicia is from Guguletulethu Cape Town, she gets her motivation through her role in facilitating educational and entreprenurial opportunities for the youth. Her passion is seen in her sharp communication skills and her ability to show empathy towards the young people she serves within the community.

Jazelle Kewitz

Jazelle Kewitz

Finance Officer

Jazelle Kewitz has over 25 years of experience in the development sector and a BCom Degree. She is a passionate problem solver who enjoys scenic drives and listening to music. Jazelle is most inspired about being part of Amandla because she contributes towards the humanitarian effort which changes the lives of communities.

Anathi Mabilwana

Anathi Mabilwana

Resource Access Programme Coordinator

Anathi Mabilwana has in-depth experience working in communities, she has a warm and eager demeanor which she uses in engaging with the youth. She comes from a rural village called Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape; she gets the most inspiration from assisting the youth in Philippi in overcoming gendered discrimination.

Thapelo Moloto

Thapelo Moloto

Community Solutions Coordinator

Thapelo Moloto has a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree majoring in Economics and Political Studies as well as a Diploma in International Studies. He has an analytic mind which he applies in facilitating dialogue within the community to find consensus on resolving social ills. Thapelo most enjoys being part of shaping the lives of the marginalized youth.

Lonna Maseko

Lonna Maseko

Social Worker

Lonna Maseko is from Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape, she holds a Bachelors Degree in Social Work. Lonna shows high levels of commitment and dedication to both her team and the young people she serves. The role she plays in creating youth friendly services is what keeps her motivated to wake up everyday with a smile.


Zimkhitha Ntwanambi

Social Worker

Zimkhitha holds bachelor’s degree in Social Worker, she has a passion for empowering the youth to overcome the challenges they experience within their homes and at school, her role involves providing psycho-social support. She is most inspired by positively impacting the youth to take advantage of resources to build a better future for themselves.

Mitchells Plain Team
Mitchells Plain Team
Philippi Team
Philippi Team
Data Mentors
Data Mentors
Peer Mentors
Peer Mentors
Samora Team
Samora Team