Tag: Travel

Township – Bar

Township – Bar Making friends through one coincidence after another. The road that lead us to…

Keep Calm – Ruhe bewahren

Keep Calm Susi here, Susi there, “Susi can you…” “Susi, what am I supposed to do,…?”…

The Kids of Philippi – Die Kids von Philippi

The Kids of Philippi (for German please scroll down) By Alexandra Fung. For the fourth year…

Circles of friends – Freundeskreise

Circles of Friends Sometimes there are things, that can’t be real. Conincidences, people encounter other people…

Cape Town vs. Township

Township vs. Cape Town I’m not quite sure whether it’s fair to already make a comparison…

South Africa – incredibly multifaceted, incredibly unique – Südafrika – so vielseitig, so einzigartig

South Africa – incredibly multifaceted, incredibly unique or „my first days here in Capetown“ It’s been…